Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Test Update

Just to update all of you. I spoke with Rod this morning and his bone marrow biopsy was negative. Yes Forbes family, mass prayer really works. I want to thank my good friend Sonja for getting me started with the blog. We've even heard from family and friends in other states. My, word sure travels fast. Thank you everyone for your concerns and prayers. Still not sure when he will come home. But I am hopeful it will be soon.



  1. I'll make sure to take him some new magazines so that he doesn't get too bored!

  2. Dear Dr. Huss, We hope you are doing well, we miss you.
    God Bless
    Love ya Tess-a rooney

    P.S.Keep up the good work Julie

  3. Hi Dr. Huss,
    Awesome news! I can feel the love and prayers streaming from this blog. Julie & doctor you are special. It is not always easy to share emotions. I can only imagine the roller coaster ride of this week for you and your family. I admire your strength and willingness to share your life. I have a different perspective of cancer because of both of you. :)

    Ok now for the funny: Brenda and Tom are going out for the evening. The last thing they do is put their cat, "Lucy" out before they leave.
    The taxi arrives, and as the couple walk out of their house, the cat scoots back in.
    Tom returns inside to chase the cat out. Brenda, not wanting the taxi driver to know their house would be empty, explains to the taxi driver, 'My husband is just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother.'

    Several minutes later, an exhausted Tom arrives and climbs into the back of the taxi saying, 'Sorry I took so long, but stupid Lucy was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat hanger several times before I could get her to come out!'
    Oh well, gotta try to keep'm clean.
    Hope you have a great night.

  4. Hey Big Brother, you really dodged the bullet on the bone marrow test. That just shows me that being pro-active with your health and staying on top of things can really make a difference. We would still like to come see you guys after this mission thing is done. Just stay healthy and try to relax like your younger brother does. Take care, and you owe God big time!!!!!

  5. Great news on the negative bone marrow! Your on your way I know to a great recovery! Keep up the good work!!!! Hope your home soon. Love and prayers to you and your family,

    Love Jules

  6. Hi Rod, Julie and Madelyn

    So glad you're making great progress! We're looking forward to seeing you home again. BTW Derek is volunteering to cut up the evergreen tree that fell near your driveway....

    Hugs, Susan & Derek
