Thursday, March 18, 2010

Morning update


I spoke with Rod this morning and this is what he communicated to me. He is having the following tests completed this morning: Pet scan, cardiac echo and bone marrow. His kidneys have improved and his blood pressure is good today. The cancer however is an agressive type and his chemo treatments will be anywhere from two to five days starting tomorrow. He is tired today but his spirits seem good.

If anyone would like to comment and leave Rod a message you will need to create a google account first. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He is such a wonderful, kind and caring man.



  1. Rod,
    All of the nurses in OB have been trying to figure out how to send a message to you, but it took the intelligence of Chad in the Pharmacy to explain to me. Be sure to thank your wife for setting up this site, because I know there are a lot of people out there with questions about how you are doing. Please tell me when would be a good day to visit you. I know you'll be getting some messages from your friends in OB. Take care of yourself.
    Your Friend,
    Chris Signorelli

  2. Hello Rod-
    I just found from Patti, who found out from Chris, about this amazing BLOG site that your wife has created. I want to wish you a speedy recovery, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    Ellie Novin-Baheran

  3. Wow! What a deal. As we know all too well life's not fair. we are all thinking of you daily and are hopeful you soon will be well. I will keep my eye on the blog. michael gill

  4. Hi Rod, How are things? I have thinking about you and praying for your quick recovery. I thank Julie for sending this blog and I got it from Roger McConnell. Chris told me he sent you a response and I thought if he could do it so could I, of course i now have failed 3 times. So now Chad is here and he will show me how. Anyway I want to say I knew the first time I met you I knew you were a great and caring person I also know that you will fight this terrible disease and win over it. I will keep you in my prayers and keep these blogs coming so i will know how things are going. Frank Signorelli

  5. Great idea creating this blog, Julie!

    We are so relieved that Rod's kidneys showed no blockage and his blood pressure has improved. We hope they can get him started on his treatment soon. Rod is a strong man with knowledge, faith and super positive outlook on doubt in our minds he will beat this.

    We send our love, thoughts & prayers to Rod, you, Madelyn and all your family.


    Tami, Jim, Cooper & Cannon Creese

  6. Rod,

    You are an amazing man and you have the strength and will to fight this. With your wonderful family and friends supporting you, we are confident that your road to recovery will be soon. We are all thinking about you and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Think of this as another hill climb!!! Fight the fight! Love, the McAninch Family

  7. I will keep Rod (Dr. Huss) and you, his family in my prayers. I have faith in a speedy and certain recovery; because he is a amazing and strong man.
    Shelia Cockrell-Fleming

  8. Rod and Julie and Maddy- We are sending you our best thoughts and our strength to help you through this.Stay strong and fight with all your might. We send you our love and support.
    Brian and Judi Just
