Thursday, March 18, 2010

Evening News

Hello everyone,

Thank you to those who left comments for Rod. He will enjoy reading them. Here is the most up-to-date information I have about Rod's condition. His tumor started as a low grade tumor and then jumped to a high grade near his spleen. Today's scan showed hot spots so his treatment plan will be more chemo more often for now. He did say that his kidneys and blood pressure are better again today. Tomorrow is a very big day for him. As always please keep Rod in your thoughts and prayers. I miss him and love him very much. Good night.



  1. Dr. Huss,
    The Alvarez family is praying day and night that you recover quickly. Even though you are a Cowboys fan (of course Scott wanted me to add that), Scott asks about you daily, and continues to pray for your speedy recovery (he's already looking forward to some football bantering with you)! We love you, and can't wait to see you.
    Love, Scott, Chrissy and Natalie

    PS. Holy Moly that can't be little Madelyn that came to our wedding 4 years ago? You definitely need a speedy recovery to fight off those boys!! Scott says he's got your back!

  2. Rod,

    Thinking of you and sending positve thoughts your way. Take it one day at a time. Thanks for the blog Julie! There are lots and lots of friends and family out there that care about you all and this is a great idea. Keep us posted and hope to see Rod back in the OR. Looking forward to back to back C-Sections again!!! Love to you and your family, Julie McAninch

  3. Rod, This is Craig. I just can't seem to get this blog to identify me as the sender. But anyway.... I'm trying to keep up with all that is going on, so I can keep Sherril and Anita informed. I really appreciate that Julie started this blog. It makes it a lot easier. I'm going to give the inforamtion about the blog to Sherril. We have all questioned this turn of events for you and what the heck is going on. You live healthy, work hard and play hard. You body should be in great what about the rest of us? Phyllis says that cancer is just a crap shoot. There are some known causes, but lots and lots of unknown causes. You have had to fight the hard fight many times in your life, and beat most of them...this is just another battle. You can win this one too!!! WE all love you and are keeping you in our prayers daily. I'm glad you received a blessing, cause the door is open to let the Lord work in your corner. Be strong and continue to keep the positive attitude. We love you!!!

  4. Julie & Doc, we just got home and Tom gave me a short update and then sent me here. Our prayers and love are with you guys. I hope this makes it to you guys, I am a blog dummy (no clue)but I guess I better get good fast.Both of you stay strong in heart and soul, we love you both Telly & Joel

  5. Hey Buddy! Lisa and I want to send you are continued love and support. You have always been such a great friend and resource to us. Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do and of course we will keep you in our prayers knowing you will be taken care of and are in good hands.

    Scott Walters

  6. Hi Dr. Huss,
    Thinking of you every day. I send my prayers, love and hugs to you. Julie, thanks for the blog. I have been wanting to know how the doctor is and how you are doing. You have many friends who love you. I am looking forward to seeing you in the hospital and giving you a big squeeze.

  7. Hi Doc,
    I haven't been to your track in forever, but I just wanted you to know I am sending prayers and good thoughts that you get better soon and are up and around on your Honda on your amazing track! Julie, all the best to you and Madelyn too during this challenging time. I'll never forget how you two went and got a motorhome like ours after you saw ours in Vegas.

    Keep us posted!
    Jim and Marilyn McManus

  8. Dear Dr. Huss,
    It took me forever to figure out how to work this, but what a great idea, Julie your awesome. Dr.Huss you are a dear friend and I miss you. We have worked together for the past twenty years and you are a strong man with a wonderful attitude, I know you'll beat this, call us anytime. I would put down what Jules said, but you can not use those words on the computer. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    Love Ya
