Saturday, March 20, 2010

Second Day of Chemo

Well, I just finished my first day of chemo and have three more to go. The chemo runs for 24 hours continuously and the next course starts right away. I have to say all of the horror stories I've heard about chemo, at lease for me, it has been pretty easy. I haven't been sick or had any pain. The only thing is that I tire easily. I hope I feel the same at the end of this course as I did the first. I am through with all the poking, proding, stents and inanimant objects running along inside my body up the course of my arteries. I think I've had everything on the menu at interventional radiology. So now it is sit back and absorb the poison. About the time I get bored I take a nap. The Oncologist is very optimistic that the chemo will melt the tumor away, and he has a lot of experience with Lymphomas. I've had a lot of visitors, call from friends and family. All the love and good will really helps to tolerate everything. I can't wait to get back to work but I've got to be smart because I'll be very immuno-compromised. I remain optimistic and very grateful for all the blessings I have in my life. So I'll sign off because I have to go visit my duck.



  1. Dear Dr. Huss,
    Richard and I think of you often...were so thankful to have this blog to be able to follow your progress and know your ok. Ferren is looking forward to seeing you in the office again. Take care.
    Rita, Rich and Ferren (and Trey too...he is kicking me now :)

  2. Hi Dr. Huss,
    Glad to hear you are tolerating the "poison". Now it is time for your dose of laughter.

    The Mechanic and the Heart Surgeon

    A dirt bike mechanic was taking a cylinder off a bike, when he was introduced to a world-famous heart surgeon. The mechanic said, "Hey Doc can I ask you a question?"

    The famous surgeon said “Sure!” The mechanic, wiping his hands on a rag, asked, "So Doc… I open this engine up, take valves out, fix 'em, put in new parts, and when I’m done it’ll work just like a new one. So how come you get paid so much more money than me, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

    The surgeon looked the mechanic in the eye, smiled, and said, "Try doing it with the engine running!

    Think of you everyday. Glad your spirits are high. Julie, thanks starting the blog. I wish you all good night.

  3. Rod it's the McAninch family again. Thinking of you and Julie and Madelyn. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Talk to you soon.

  4. Hi Doc, we are so glad your feelin ok today. Just thought I would fill you in on todays event, it was opening season for VV little league and many people asked how you were and wanted to send you best wishes and prayers. WOW! You have quit a fan base following you.Get your rest and let us know if or when you need some hamburger habit(YUM!). All our love and prayers to you and your family.

  5. Rod,
    Thank you for letting all of us spend our Saturday ride day with you! I am totally programed to spend my Saturday's with you and I'm glad you aren't going to disrupt that part of MY life!
    Now let me share the plus and minus part of my first ride day away from the Huss Ranch.

    First the minus, I didn't get to ride your track.

    Now the plus side, I didn't have to load and unload my truck, drive to Lompoc and back, No gear to wash or bikes to clean. I also found out that it's much easier to visit with you because we didn't get interupted by other guests, dogs, golphers or any of your children knocking themselves silly on the supercross track (Jed) It was also very nice that you didn't have to grab your bucket of PVC fittings and glue to head out to the track and repair sprinklers because some bonehead on a dirt bike hit one and broke it off (you guy's know who you are). I only had to make one stop on my way to see you in order to get your cookies from Jannine's Bakery (Which actually saved me money since that was less then gas and lottery tickets that never win anything in Buellton). And finally, I got home earlier and still had enough energy left to wash my truck (which, by the way was still dirty from my last Saturday ride day at the ranch).
    So, Don't feel to bad about us all not being able to ride, Because, as I always do, I enjoyed Saturday ride day with you!

    Can't wait for the next one!


  6. Rod is also a wonderful grandpa to 13 grandkids who love him! We are all praying for you and love you!

  7. Keep on keepin' on... love your positive outlook! Lots of prayers coming your way.

    love to you and your family,

  8. That's the spirit, Rod. I always did the "count-down" with Jim as it seemed to make the weeks go by quicker. In your case, you're counting the days: Two down...Three to go! Before you know it, you'll be done with this course.

    Sounds like your hangin' tough with everything. Just keep up that sense of humor and get lots of rest.

    You've been so good to our family; in fact, you've been the closest family we have here in California. We pray all goes well as it did with Jim. It's a big obstacle, but I know you'll be okay!

    Love you!

    Tami, Jim, Cooper & Cannon Creese

  9. Rod, Mark and I are sending Love and Prayer your way. Thank you so much for helping Megan the other day. I had no idea what was going on. Like always, you are always there to help no matter what is going on in your world. You are truly one of a kind and loved by so many.

    Julie, Thank you so much for creating this blog. What a wonderful thing to keep all up to date on Rod. Please let us know if we can do anything for you! Much love, Mark and Sonya
